Contact the Committee
President: Nick Simpson, Dunedin 027 330 5310
Vice President: Wayne Perkins, Queenstown 021 549 551
Past President: Barry Dorking, Dunedin 0274 892 825
Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Coghill, Dunedin 0274 330 318 [email protected]
Committee Members:
Barry Leitch, Invercargill 0274 845 456
Mark McGuiness, Wellington, [email protected]
Steve Keene, Ashburton 021 740 855
Vehicle Acceptance:
Kevin Telford, Dunedin 027 623 5455
Barry Leitch, Invercargill, 0274 845 456
Wayne Perkins, Queenstown 021 549 551
Brian James, Christchurch 027 432 8528
Steve Keene, Ashburton 021 740 855
Pre-78 Classic Saloons Coordinator:
Wayne Perkins, Queenstown 021 549 551
Allcomers Coordinator
Steve Keene, Ashburton 021 740 855
Newsletter Editor
Trevor Lister, West Coast 03 755 4985
Contributions and advertising to [email protected]