Pre 78

Pre 78 Classic Saloons

Since 2020 we have run separate races at our meetings for Motorsport NZ, Group 2 T&C Saloons up to December 1977 and other invited guests called Pre 78 Classic Saloons.

The Pre 78 class is for race saloons with a Certificate of Description (COD) or comply with Classic Motor Racing Vehicle Acceptance Rules.  As a broad generalisation, it is for cars with all-steel bodies, glass windows and most of their exterior and interior trim running the original type of engine and gearbox on WOF standard tyres on original diameter wheels or plus one.

The intent of this group is to allow the older vehicles from the 50's, 60's and 70's to run alongside similar and visually compatible vehicles as regards presentation and driver standards.

Sub classes are:

  • 0 to 1200cc,
  • 1201cc to 1400cc,
  • 1401cc to 1800cc,
  • 1801cc to 2500cc,
  • 2501cc to 4200cc
  • 4201cc and over.

Competitors compete primarily against vehicles of similar capacity in the overall field.

Wayne is the person who decides whether a vehicle will be included in the Pre 78 class and the emphasis is on both car correctness, presentation and Driver compatibility.

Read the attached document which explains the driving standards expected in Pre-78 Saloons.  The Group Co-ordinator is the ultimate arbiter of whether a driver who has breached the Group's driving standards should be excluded from the Pre 78 grid in future, but he may delegate that decision to a committee of experienced Pre 78 competitors. There is a three strikes rule whereby after three at fault panel damage incidents a competitor is then permanently removed from the group.

Dedicated races are held at various South Island meetings and normally there are 8 separate race weekends for the Pre 78’s each season.

For a full copy of the latest pre 78 regulations please make contact with Wayne Perkins.

Join Classic Saloons Pre 78

By contacting Wayne Perkins at

021 549 551 or [email protected]